The 1.8.8 u19 version of Eaglercraft. Switching to this version is highly recommended from older versions as it introduces a ton of new features, blocks, bug fixes and optimizations.
Make sure to keep your Offline download in a safe location, such as a USB drive or a folder so that teachers can't find it.
The beta 1.3 beta version of Eaglercraft. I found this version by accident while searching through an eaglercraft archive
a client made by kone for konemc server. this is the offline download of the client. you can also play it by clicking "other" in the "play" page of this website
a remake/fork of eaglercraft made by otterdev101 that aims to resolve DMCA issues and allow joining normal servers!
the first eaglercraft 1.8.8 hacked client made by fatal. this hacked client is recommended for 1.8.8 use
Github Download (html)a 1.5.2 hacked client with alt manager etc...